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Future Formers

Welcome to Cambourne Sixth Form! We are the Future Formers, a team of twelve students currently studying at Cambourne Village College,recruited to cultivate and shape CamSF from a student’s perspective. We give input on everything from the Sixth Form’s ethos and values to the enrichment activities offered. We strive to create a Sixth Form that is comfortable and inclusive and to inspire growth in the students who attend. Cambourne Village College is only 10 years old, making it relatively new in comparison to other schools, but since being established it has quickly attracted many new students, making it the fastest growing school of South Cambridgeshire. We hope that CamSF will reflect the diverse community in Cambourne so that all students can interact with a wide range of different people. Despite the College’s size, CamSF’s tutor groups and classes will be smaller, which will accommodate the students’ needs and allow for 1:1 guidance. This will help ensure that every CamSF student can reach their full potential. 

Our hopes for CamSF are to create an environment that promotes independence, perseverance, aspiration andcommunity. Independence will encourage students' thinking capabilities and greatly assist their self-learnt skills to better prepare them for the future. Perseverance will help students overcome challenges, and aspiration will enable them to aim high! Above all, we hope to build a community that is friendly and dynamic, and to make learning at CamSF a positive experience for all. We hope that students with a passion for learning and a positive attitude will join us and enrol in our sixth form! 

We look forward to meeting you at our Open Evening.  

Fauziah and Aashrita, Future Formers