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Subject leader and contact

Rojin Jozi : Head of Chemistry


A Level Chemistry

OCR - H432

Entry Requirements

6 in GCSE Chemistry if doing single sciences Or 6,7 in GCSE Trilogy Science; 6 in GCSE Maths

Why study Chemistry?

From the moment you’re born you’re surrounded by chemistry – the air you breathe, the food you eat and the clothes you wear – they’re all chemistry. Chemistry is the study of substances: what they’re made of, how they interact with each other and the role they play in living things.
From research in space to the depths of the oceans, chemistry helps you understand the world around you. 
Chemistry also forms the basis of other related subjects
such as: 

  • environmental chemistry – understanding and solving challenges such as climate change, pollution or waste management on a molecular level.
  • materials chemistry – looking at the chemical structure of materials and using this knowledge to develop the materials of the future.
  • chemical engineering – producing chemical products on an industrial scale.
  • biological sciences – such as biochemistry, molecular biology and pharmacology.
  • You will learn skills such as problem solving plus analytical and logical thinking – these skills open up lots of careers.

Where can it lead?

  • You will understand the world around you and how things are made.
  • You can help feed the world and have a positive impact on our environment.
  • It’s a core subject that enables you to cross over to the other core sciences or venture into biochemistry, geochemistry, chemical engineering or physical chemistry.

Future study that you could enter with a chemistry A-level qualification: 
Medicine, Chemical engineering, veterinary science, anatomy and physiology. 

Future careers and sectors that you could enter with a chemistry qualification include Government agencies, environmental agencies, consultancy, hospitals, universities, public health laboratories, testing companies and manufacturing industry.

Chemistry Extras 

Our A Level Chemists will have the opportunity to enter the UK Chemistry Olympiad. Designed to challenge and inspire, the UK Chemistry Olympiad is a unique opportunity for students to push themselves further and excel in the chemistry field.

Budding chemists will develop critical problem-solving skills, learn to think more creatively and get a chance to test their knowledge in new, real-world situations. They could even find themselves representing the UK at the prestigious International Chemistry Olympiad.

Course Content

The Advanced Level chemistry course comprises 6 modules that introuduce foundational elements before buulding on these, alongside the development of a wide variety of practical and thinking skills.

Module 1 – Development of practical skills in chemistry

  • Practical skills assessed in a written examination
  • Practical skills assessed in the practical

Module 2 – Foundations in chemistry

  • Atoms, compounds, molecules and equations
  • Amount of substance
  • Acid–base and redox reactions
  • Electrons, bonding and structure

Module 3 – Periodic table and energy

  • The periodic table and periodicity
  • Group 2 and the halogens
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Enthalpy changes
  • Reaction rates and equilibrium (qualitative)

Module 4 – Core organic chemistry

  • Basic concepts
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Alcohols and haloalkanes
  • Organic synthesis
  • Analytical techniques (IR and MS)

Module 5 – Physical chemistry and transition elements

  • Reaction rates and equilibrium (quantitative)
  • pH and buffers
  • Enthalpy, entropy and free energy
  • Redox and electrode potentials
  • Transition elements

Module 6 – Organic chemistry and analysis

  • Aromatic compounds
  • Carbonyl compounds
  • Carboxylic acids and esters
  • Nitrogen compounds
  • Polymers
  • Organic synthesis
  • Chromatography and spectroscopy (NMR)


Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.