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Environmental Science

Subject leader and contact

Genevieve Hayes


A-Level Environmental Science


Entry Requirements

5,5 in Trilogy Science, 5 in GCSE Maths, 5 in GCSE English, 5 in GCSE Geography if taken

Why study Environmental Science? 

Living in an age with increasing numbers of environmental challenges  we need to find real life solutions to ensure the sustainability of our planet. This makes studying environmental science a key part of this process. The course will make you more aware of what is happening to the Earths environment and the issues we are currently facing. Using real life case studies,  you will investigate and conduct experiments researching the best methods to obtain data.  Applying biological, chemical, and physical principles to environmental issues and to provide solutions to environmental problems. 

Where can it lead?

You can study environmental science degree leading to careers in environmental management, horticulture, minerals surveyor, water quality scientist. You may also work for the environmental agency and DEFRA.


Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.