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Subject leader and contact

Hannah Curtis : Head of PE


A Level Physical Education


Entry Requirements

6 in PE if taken at GCSE. Students must be competing in a sport at club level. 

Why study PE?

A Level Physical Education encourages students to immerse themselves in the world of sports and PE with the chance to perform or coach a sport. Students will be equipped with both a depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills relating to scientific, socio-cultural and practical aspects of physical education. The skills developed and knowledge gained throughout the course are a great basis for anyone wants to study PE, sport science, coaching and personal training to a deeper level. 

Where can it lead?

A Level Physical Education is an excellent base for a university degree in sports science, sports management, healthcare, or exercise and health. Physical Education can also complement further study in biology, human biology, physics, psychology, nutrition, sociology and many more.
The course can open up a range of career opportunities including: sports development, sports coaching, physiotherapy, personal training or becoming one of the next generation of PE teachers. The transferable skills you learn through your study of Physical Education, such as decision making and independent thinking are also useful in any career path you choose to take.

PE Extras

The PE Department will offer a range of visits to sports facilities and opportunities to participate in a range fo sports and a spectator or participant! There will also be leadership and coaching opportunities across our Trust in both primary and secondary education phases. 

Course Content

Students will study six different units focusing on applied anatomy and physiology; skill acquisition; sport and society; exercise physiology and biomechanics; sport psychology; sport and society and technology in sport. 

They will also be assessed as a performer or coach in one sporting activity (with a full team side) and complete a written analysis of performance. 



Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.