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Subject leader and contact

Rebecca Williams


A-Level Media


Entry requirements 


Why study Media?

A compelling Media education can provide young people with the tools to be able to understand the constant change our society faces and how to adapt to it. The comprehension, communication and creative skills that stem from studying this subject give an essential foothold for any ambitious, enthusiastic student in the 21st century.

A-Level Media is the academic study of various media platforms. Students develop skills through the analysis of the different forms of media and examining representations within texts, web content, music videos, computer games, online news and more. Students will explore the impact of production and industry upon media texts.

Where can it lead?

The possibilities for careers stemming from the study of Media are endless.

Studying in this way creates opportunities to express yourself and discover avenues for progression towards many future careers. An A-Level in Media can lead students to a variety of future course and employment options. Students will be well qualified through their experience of the practical coursework element to pursue more vocational courses linked to media production and digital technology. Media Studies will also support study for careers in business such as advertising, marketing, and communications.


Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.