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Sam Minnaar


A-Level Photography


Entry Requirements

GCSE Art or Photography 6. You will also need your own DSLR camera. 

Why study Photography?

If you have vision, are creative, self motivated and love photography, then this would be an excellent course for you to develop your skills towards working at a professional level. We are faced with a digital world developing at such a rapid rate, with images at the forefront of everything, so it can be hugely motivating to learn how to create this content professionally. It is an incredibly exciting time to study the subject, with a broad scope of documentary, commercial and artistic styles being used across mainstream and artistic media. The combination of creative briefs, small group work, computer editing and on-location shoots provides a great balance to the course, enabling you to excel in a variety of roles and skills tailored to you.   

Where can it lead?

A-Level Photography can support a huge number of career paths. This can include film, graphics, advertising, marketing, fashion, illustration, fine art and web design. Specific careers in photography could involve portrait, photo-journalism, scientific, editorial, fashion, sports photography, publicity and freelance work. The creativity and independent idea development will also support a wide range of careers.

Photography Extras

On the course, you will attend two trips to London and local destinations around Cambridge throughout the year. An international trip every two years is also in the planning stages. 

Course Content

You will be learning DSLR photography right from the basics to advanced. How to use a camera and how to edit using photoshop and Lightroom. You will be shown a wide variety of creative techniques to try, which you will develop in to ideas personal idea and photographic outcomes. You will study and analyze a range of artists work, as well as your own. You will also experiment with developing your own image negatives in the dark room. 



Each subject is also part of our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – more information can be found here.